Melbourne nightclub Rats pays $500 Reward for Doxing of 16 Year Old Meme Page Admin

Yes, you read that correctly, a nightclub’s public Facebook page offered and paid $500 for someone to release private information of a meme page admin. The worst part? The admin is 16 years old.

Popular Melbourne Nightclub Rats (Colonial Hotel) has set their sights on a Facebook meme page after posts were made talking trash on the venue.

The admins of a page called Lilydale Line, named after a train station in Melbourne, have received threats of legal action from people connected to the venue.

The post that started this drama is shown below.


This post quickly gained over a thousand reacts and 139 shares.

On the evening of the 30th, Lilydale Line received messages from a man named Calvin who claimed to be a DJ at Rats.

He sent photos of a Trademark certificate for the name of the venue, as well as demands for the page to delete the status “[unless] you want your page to get deleted and pay damages.”

Lilydale Line simply replied by stating that there was no proof their meme page’s post had negatively affected Rats’ business in any way.

The next morning, Rats posted this, before quickly deleting.


Meanwhile, the admin of Lilydale Line was posting regular updates of this saga to a Facebook group.

When they posted this screenshot, people in the comments said they would message Rats to see if they would follow through with the offer.

Almost instantly, via personal messages to various people, Rats began claiming they had “found the person,” and later said say they “have [their] address and we know what school [they] went to.”

A Facebook account, believed to be the club’s owner or manager, asked members of the group to report Lilydale Line as a scam on Facebook in return for free entry to the club.

Both screenshots showing this are below.

Before Lilydale Line was taken down by the admin, they received more messages from a woman named Georgia, demanding that any mention of the venue be removed from the meme page and the 16-year-old admin’s private Facebook account, including a rat emoji in the account’s bio.

Names connected to the venue continued to message other meme pages who were sharing content relating to the hunt for information about the Lilydale Line admin with further threats of legal action.

One page called “why does my pet fish not talk to me,” received this message from Ruby Ratcliffe, a Facebook account used to promote the club.

Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at 1.31.37 pm

A member of the Facebook group where the Lilydale Line admin shared screenshots of the events followed through with Rats’ wishes and provided them with what is believed to be the admin’s personal email address.

This person was then transferred $500 from an account connected to Hugh Waters.

They say they did not provide Rats with any other information.

Rats were recently in music news for attempting to host a tribute night for Chris Brown, a known domestic abuser.

Rats did not respond to our requests for comment, though they posted a response to Facebook, shortly after 5pm on the 2nd of August, 2018.

“As many of you know, there has been a lot of drama and subsequent misinformation surrounding Rats over the past few days. We want to take this opportunity to say that we don’t want any conflict with anyone. Our aim is to create a safe and fun atmosphere for our loyal customers each and every week. – Rats Team“

9 thoughts on “Melbourne nightclub Rats pays $500 Reward for Doxing of 16 Year Old Meme Page Admin

  1. Sounds like if people posting that they don’t like rats / it’s a shit nightclub who have actually been there is not defamation (as Rats seems to think) but are just their reviews !


  2. Shockingly innapropriate behaviour from a supposedly professional revenue. Can’t wait for the ACA exposé that finally shuts them down.


  3. It’s really saddening to see grown adults unable to handle simple opinions from a child and that these adults would go so far. As far as I know, the 16 year old seemed way more mature than Rats lol.
    The only negative publicity they got was because of themselves. If they decided to not do anything, people wouldn’t have seen them treat a 16 year old kid in such a way, especially an illegal way.
    I do hope the kid contacts the cops because these adults are asking other strangers to find a 16 year old kid’s house and where they live.
    Not only did Rats put this child in danger for their childish antics, but they feel as though they did nothing wrong.

    Rats won’t be in business for long. That’s just how this world works now and because they aren’t the people we need on this world, they’ll die a nameless old geezer who was only know for attacking a child for an opinion they had over the internet.
    Seriously it’s about time these people die off holy shit.


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